tagtraum industries jo! 1.1
Latest version:
1.1 beta
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tagtraum industries jo! is a pure, free Java web server. It features:
- HTTP/1.1 including byte-ranges, auto-chunking, pipelining, etc.
- Servlet API 2.2 (2.3 starting with jo! 1.1)
- JSP 1.1 (1.2 starting with jo! 1.1)
- Source level JSP debugging a.k.a JSR-45 (starting with jo! 1.1)
- Auto reload of WARs
- Hot deployment of WARs
- Drag and drop deployment of WARs
- Auto internationalization
- Auto servlet and jsp reloading
- Easy to use Swing console
- Advanced thread management
- Memory sensitive file cache
- Automatic compressed transfer of text or html files
- Virtual hosts